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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane sub


You might consider that you aren't getting what you want out of this group
you came into it with an attitude and ego.  Anytime someone raises an issue
your design you get defensive and reply with a "Hey, don't you guys know who
you're talking to" response.  Well, no, we don't.  If you're some fantastically

intelligent genius that we ought to all be bowing to, back up your claims with
some hard evidence of where you've been and what you've done.  I don't know
the others, but I'm not too impressed with an unconditionalized statement such
"I work for a group that designs advanced vehicle systems."   Does your group
design vehicles for toy companies or the space program?  What degrees do you
hold?  What universities did you attend?  What vehicles have you designed that
were actually produced?  What research papers have you had published?  What
patents have you applied for?

Except for your last message that had *some* detail, you've offered nothing but

very general concepts of a sub design that is not mainstream.  The first time
someone raised a safety issue you got defensive instead of providing a clear,
reasoned explanation of why you find the risk acceptable.  And then when you
out the group doesn't blindly accept your non-traditional design you attack the

forum by suggesting we're all a bunch of lightweights and all the *smart* guys
participating in this forum read-only but contacting you privately.  You might
want to check the credentials of those people because my experience reading
forum is that the folks who can prove they have designed and constructed
successful submersible vehicles are conservative and safety concious in their
approach, and quite suspect of
radical new designs.

You'll never learn anything when you already know it all.


Look, pal- I posted a *succinct* description of a *concept*.  EVERYTHING
required to evaluate the CONCEPT was contained in the first post, and all I got
 was whiners infected with Hindenberg Syndrome. There ARE no "details"- it's a
paper concept, and I made that clear from the beginning- the design is not
frozen. Get it?

No, we don't design toys- and yes, we DO design for spaceflight (although I'm
not in that group directly) but I'm not about to get in a credentials flashing
match; I simply gave mine in general terms as background- and then only in
response to the tone of the replies which were on a damned *coloring book*

If you respond to technical missive with queries about merit badges, you're
pretty damned useless to me.   The parameters were given. If you can't address
the issue with anything but free-floating anxiety, do us both a favor and
convert that to laughter when your fears are proven and I blow myself up.   

In the meantime, feel free to hold your breath.  I'm sick to death of the low
level that predominates in these internet technical discussion groups- I don't
post to fulfill a social need- I want *serious* technical intercourse.   

 Whining that you're afraid that the propane might blow up is redundant and
obnoxious and insulting.  I would give YOU the benefit of the doubt and assume
that you ALREADY KNEW THAT.   And I expect the same from you. 

 If I knew it all I wouldn't be posting- but tell me this:  from the replies
I've elicited, tell me:  WHERE COULD I HAVE LEARNED SOMETHING?    Go ahead-
point it out!  Show me something someone said that wasn't obvious- something
any thoughtful person with a high school education wouldn't have known....and
maybe THEN I'll be humbled by your "how do you expect to learn?" speech.

Attitude?  You asked for it.  The whiners were the ones that got off the
technical issues, and frankly  I suspect the reason the technical content has
been low is that the bulbs are low wattage.  I'm not looking for "acceptance"
of my design- I'm looking for ANYTHING of value on the technical aspects.  It
appears to me that some of the responders are the entreprenuerial types that
see everything as competition for their pet fantasies.  

 Well, I'm not selling anything.  I was just looking for intelligent technical
discussion- not Chicken Little style warnings.   Where the hell is the
technical content in that?  

Craig Wall