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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Epilepsy (was: A question for you Scuba guys)

Chris Nugent wrote:
>     Hey all,
>    Well, once again it's that time for Nuge to pipe up
> and stir the thick, steamy cauldron of wisdom that is
> the Psubs group.  I've been doing a little reading on
> scuba, in particular the physical requirements of a
> person seeking to undertake said recreation.  I
> noticed that the author of the book I bought (Scuba
> Diving, by Dennis K. Graver) stated that persons with
> epilepsy (which I have) ought not to dive due to
> stresses placed on the body which might aggravate the
> condition.  

This is what I've always been told about epilepsy.  I've had
seizures -- for eight years, none since 1972 -- but I'm still 
warned to stay away from physically-demanding changes in my
environment.  (they even suggested I never date!)

> My condition's been under control for
> about 10 or 12 years with meds, problem free.  I
> thought some of you guys might have thoughts on this,
> whether those physical requirements are written in
> stone, or will a dive physician consider it on a case
> by case basis.  I've heard it said before in here that
> having a scuba cert is a good idea if you want to
> build a sub, so that's where I'm going with this.  Let
> me know what you think, anyone.

When I had my first seizure, my parents must have told the
neurologist about my interest in diving.  He calmly told
me that I should never scuba dive.  He explained that what
might happen is that the changes in gas partial pressures
might change my brain chemistry enough to trigger a seizure.
It seemed reasonable (and a girl friend much later, who
wanted to be a neurologist and was in med school, confirmed
the potential).

(I'll never forget that day: they told me this, and sat there
watching.  I gave the matter a couple of seconds to sink in,
and decided that I'd just switch to submarines.) 

The bottom line, Chris, seems to be that it might dangerous.
Have you asked on a newsgroup for scuba divers?  I'll ask the
epilepsy mailing list I inhabit.
