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[PSUBS-MAILIST] All that damned math

> Captain Nemo wrote:
> Just received four very impressive folders of documentation from Mike
> Holt about submarine design and performance calculations.  Still kind
> of cross-eyed from the post-surgery painkillers, but if I can do
> anything to render this information down, I'll see about passing it on
> to the group.

Captain, the math made me cross-eyed.

I'm gradually trying to convert the math into Visual Basic programs.
My current project is to create a set of routines that will permit
me to define the shape of a sub, and then calculate wetted surface
and displacement.  From this, it's possible to calculate the essentials
of drag, which leads to horsepower.

> Thanks a lot, Mike.  

There's more ...

> Regarding your last statement: vice-versa, I'm
> sure!  I hope you're having as much fun with the plans for the Disney
> NAUTILUS as I'm sure I will with the information you've sent me!

The NAUTILIUS is going to have a place of honor in my very 1890s
house.   Thanks.

Mike Holt