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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] What's goin' down?

In a message dated 9/24/00 2:49:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
vulcania@interpac.net writes:

> Hi guys!
>  The boards have been quiet for a while, so I'm sending this to make sure 
> s still working.  Now, what to talk about?

Ray toasted the idea of the swimsuit calender and nude pictures of DeepWorker 
so we will have to talk about more productive items, such as robotic arms, 
baby ROVs and AUVs, lights, underwater communication, PSub resue systems and 
other great things.

>  Well, I've been working on pages for my own website lately.   
>  Got some WILD "incandescent colored" lights for the "headlights" on the 
> Nautilus, and have been doing other finishing touches to the scale 
> pressure-hull cover.

"Incandescent Colored"? Are they lights that have been colored like 
incandescent bullbs or are they colored incandescent bulbs?

>  I got an E-mail from a studio in England that wants to talk about using my 
> submarine in a film about 20,000 Leagues; don't know if it's for real yet, 
> but should know by next week.

Hey, sounds like fun, I hope that they don't think that you did a full-sized 

>  The NAUTILUS MINISUB video is coming along a piece at a time, but I've 
> learned better than to say when it will be finished.  There's always 
> something else to do.  I'm working on it, though.
>  And the HOMEBUILT SUBMARINES video is exceeding my expectations.  So far, 
> ve got 16 homebuilts; six professional sub builder/operators; the relative 
> a person famous in early submarine development; and a few more folks I'm 
> optimistically waiting to hear from.  With all the obligatory segments 
> sub history, operation, design, and construction, the video is really 
> starting to look like something.  It's no longer only about homebuilt 
> submarines, though; so I guess I'm going to have to find a new title.  Any 
> suggestions?

You could call it "Minisubs," "Small 
"Minisub Fever," "Point-two leagues under the sea," "Nuts with Time and 
Steel" or one of many other names that are possible (although not 100% 

>  I'll be sending away for MOTORGUIDE's 107# thrust unit in a couple weeks; 
> ought to give the ol' Naut a little more git-go.  If I can do it 
> unobstrusively, I'd like to mount the motor so she'll swing a little bit 
> the rudder is activated, to tighten up the turning radius somewhat.  As it 
>  that bugger turns like the TITANIC (and we all know what trouble that 
> ).

I know of a guy who invented a flexible shaft that apparently is much better 
than all the other flexible shafts (friction mostly, but I think there were 
some other neat things about it too) and could be made from almost anything 
(Ice Cream, Cookies and Jell-O are definatly OUT) which means that it could 
be adapted to a very wide range of applications, including subs. Could that 
fill you needs?
>  Anyway, that's about it from VULCANIA for now.  Hope you guys are all 
> enjoying your sub projects.  Dale, I know you are deep into finishing your 
> boat.  We're all looking forward to your pending success. 
>  And Carsten, I'm sure you're hard at work too.  If I ever get around to 
> attempting a sub as big as the CSSX-1, the next tools I'll add to my 
> equipment list is a forklift, and maybe a crane! Really!  They would make 
> things a lot easier!  How's your new boat coming along, by the way?

How about an entire island with a drydock, like Vulcania?

>  Very best regards, 
>  Pat  

Everything is good so far, except not much is being said on the mail list and 
the closest thing I have to a sub is halfway completed and made from PVC 
pipe, not quite what I want but fun for now.
