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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Russian Sub Sunk

    Well, all I have to say is amen to what you guys
said.  Although I was under the impression that the
US's DSRV's could only dock at a 20 degree list max. 
In any case, due to Russia's slow response out of fear
of hurting their pride or whatever, and their
economics, and their lag in technology, I think these
poor guys didn't have such great odds in the first
place.  God rest their souls.  
    Maybe us psubbers each should do a shot of vodka
tonite, sort of a communal-cyber wake.

--- Michael B Holt <michaelbholt@juno.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 07:42:28 -0700 "Wade Carson"
> writes:
> >Actually, there are three full pages worth in my
> newspaper today.  
> >Phil managed to get himself half a page so they
> still have the local 
> >connection. He's a bit of a local celebrity.
> The reason I see nothing about it here is because
> the only thing
> that ever happens here (Richmond, Virginia, USA) is
> fussing about
> how bad the school system is said to be.  We have
> here no industry
> that has any connection with matters maritime.
> >They are saying that the RAF sub has the ability to
> mate at that angle 
> >and it's on its way to the scene.  Unfortunately,
> it sounds like it
> might 
> >be too little too late.
> I'm glad the Brits have the hardware, but I wish the
> Russians had
> called for help a couple of days ago.   
> A buddy of mine asked me what it's like for the
> Russians.  I admitted
> I've never been anywhere near that situation, but I
> took a shot at it.
> I told her to imagine being locked in her Jeep, in
> the garage in the
> dead of winter, with all the cracks in the garage
> sealed so no light
> gets through, without food or water . . . for a
> week.  For added
> authenticity, I suggested she place 500 pounds of
> dry ice in the 
> garage and seal the garage airtight.  Did I miss
> something?
> Mike
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