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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Unconventional UW Propulsion YIKES!

Seems pretty much "open forum" to me.  No one has been censored--so far as I
know--no matter how unconventional the idea.  So chill dude, deversity is
Another way to look at this multiple group of people out there--which too
may be sort of "unconventional"--is by making use of a 'procurement of a
significant other' type of analogy.  Pay attention: this is interesting.
When faced with the challenge of finding the perfect mate, some folks
develop a list of attributes they find pleasing and worthwhile (this may or
may not be done on a conscious level).   And then they proceed to search for
a mate that fullfills those attributes to the greatest extent possible.  The
search is necessarily made among a pool of accessible candidates.  Lisa
"smart, pretty, lives just down the way, etc." Smith will probably be the
ticket. You will live an enjoyable and fullfilling life together from now
on.   Brittany "young, sexy, wealthy" Spears ...uhh...forget it, it ain't
gonna happen!   You will die a virgin having only had sex with Rosey Palm
and her five sisters
In our virtual world of psub endeavors we look toward the "ideal" in terms
of need and desire, along with a moderate amount of utility.  We will find
those needs and desires fullfilled if they are moderated by a rational sense
of what is accessible.
Big Dave

P.S.  There are nude pictures available on the net of Brittany Spears and
also Deep Worker.  I can look and drool at both, but will never have either.

-----Original Message-----
From: samdatl <samdatl@avana.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Unconventional UW Propulsion YIKES!

>Well Well
> there are two types of people out there for sure.
>There is the type that uses everyone elses discoveries and the type that
>uses and expands on it. Let's all remember that we all weren't born fish
>unless i'm wrong God didn't just go poof and subs were all over the place.
>Which would mean to me that there are leaders and followers. (And why yes i
>am a bit pissed)  The want to do something different makes submariners the
>other makes you want to be a target for a submariner.  So lets see how well
>a 50 gallon drum goes through the water with an orr.  Some people can make
>the square peg fit through the round hole just fine. (god i'm pissed) open
>forum for discussion my eye.