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[PSUBS-MAILIST] maneuvering thrusters


I didn't mean to imply that I don't like maneuvering thrusters. I do. I've 
run subs with and without and the with variety wins hands down. Someone said 
they had no reason to drive sideways. They have never done a neutral drift 
along an unexplored ledge off the Bahamas somewhere, or been required to 
video a riser on an oil rig, or any one of a hundred other things I can think 
of that require precise lateral and vertical control. If I had my druthers, 
I'druther have fixed fore and aft lateral thrusters and at least a forward 
vertical (or a pair of sidemounted vertical) thrusters, all reversible, of 
course, and controllable simultaneously or possibly even all at the same 
time. This in addition to main propulsion, of course.

I want the sub to be able to move like a helicopter without the dips and 
sways and noise. Forward motion is important, but that's just getting there. 
Once the point of interest is reached, think about the sub neutrally buoyant 
and still in the water. Then figure out how to maneuver it. Here's a visual 
aid for you. Think of your house. Now put it underwater and figure out how to 
explore it with your psub. That's right. You have to maneuver all sorts of 
slow corners and vertical/horizontal pathways, don't you? And there ain't as 
much room for error as you thought, either.

Best Regards,