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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide

     One last note on exotic propulsion systems.  Here's one I bet nobody 
thought of.  If you want a great deal of propulsion for a relatively short 
period of time build a sub with the propulsion energy stored in 
flywheels.  I did some calculations on the energy you could store and it's 
impressive.  However, the forte for such propulsion is in the  tremendous 
release of energy in a very short time frame.  It would make a good drag 
sub.  You would have to have two flywheels that counter rotated to cancel 
the angular momentum (if you planned to turn).  You would have to have two 
counter-rotating props to couple that much power due to the 
torque.  Perhaps this would open a whole new page in the Guiness Book.