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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] computer games

>Hey, I used to love to play this old game on a Mac
>Plus called "The Hunt for Red October". It was a
>simple yet extremely fun little sub sim, based on
>Clancy's book of course. Your idea would be pretty rad
>in a format like HFRO. Are you talking like something
>playable over the net?

Sure -- since I have virtually no programming knowledge whatsoever... why not? I also have an antique-Mac game I played a great deal. In fact, I keep a Plus around just so I can dig it out and play it occasionally. That one's "SubBattle," which is incredibly ambitious for a black-and-white game which was written to run on the original 128K Macs and came on a 400K, single-sided disk. You could choose German Atlantic or American Pacific missions in WWII, or whole wartime commands. It was full of features, crude digitized speech, scalable maps of the whole world, damage control, enemy airplanes, depth charges, different capabilities for the different models of boats appropriate to the different times of the war... lots of stuff.

If you still had that Tom Clancy one, I'd love to see it.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner