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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I am moving

Good luck with the move Ray.  I hope you have plenty of help too.
The last time I moved it took at least 24hrs. non-stop moving (without
sleep) as I only moved a short distance across town, but I paid for it for
at least a week with much pain in the, knees, hips, and not to mention the
back.  Oh the back!
My son and I moved the entire contents up two flights of stairs.  Very old,
steep, and narrow stairs that you end up putting all your weight on the
balls of your feet as you climb them as the treads are only about 8" deep.
I wear a size 12 shoe so go figure.  These old structures have at least a 12
foot ceiling height, and were really intended for storage above the ground
floor business/storefront.  This particular one was made into a loft
The stair wells are just barely wide enough to allow the washer and dryer
through, and a dolly is useless.  They seem to be at least 45 degrees angle
if not greater.  No way they would meet building code today.  I nearly
passed out from oxygen debt a few times and had to sit down.  I saw stars!
No matter how deeply I tried to breath, I could not catch my breath.  Man I
feel old just thinking about it.
Still, I think the move was worth the effort.  I love this place.  It's in
the historic mid-town business area where the buildings are nearly all about
150-200 year-old brick structures.  I sit perched high above looking down on
all the parades and activities that occur quite often.
Carsten might be interested to note that just below one of my dayroom
windows mounted on a street lamp is a flag with the State of Ohio crest
superimposed over the Eagle that is traditionally seen on the Imperial
German Flag.  This area of Ohio has a rich history of German settlment.
Folks pride was obvious during the Chillicothe bicentennial celebrations a
few years back in 1996.  German flags were on every street corner along side
the Stars and Stripes.
Again, good luck with the move Ray,
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@ebay.sun.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 6:17 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I am moving

>For those that care, I am moving from the San Francisco Bay Area up to
>the Portland, Oregon area. My workstation is going down Tuesday afternoon
>will not be back up till July 5th.
>For those who don't care, you don't need to read the above. Assuming of
>you read it this far. :)