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[PSUBS-MAILIST] New PSUB power source?

There's a magazine out now: I think it's POPULAR SCIENCE: has a futuristic submarine on the cover, and a story about 100 years of U.S. Navy submarine development.
Anyway, somewhere in this mag is a factoid about a new commercial power source for forklifts that might be adaptable to psub use.
It's about the size of a forklift battery pack, but contains a smaller battery and a multi-fuel engine-generator which burns propane.  The idea is a forklift can energize it's E-motor on fuel outside the factory, and from battery storage indoors.  Self re-charging, too.  I think it said this unit would be marketed to the public in a couple months or so.
With one of these in a psub, we could drive our E-motor from the engine-generator or the battery, and re-charge during continued operations.  Best of all, we wouldn't have to build it ourselves: it's a product we can buy and install.  Probably has a warranty, too!
I'm on my days off, and the magazine's in my locker at work, so I can't say right now exactly what issue it's in; but if you go to the magazine rack and look for something like POPULAR SCIENCE with a big gray "sharklike" submarine on the cover, that's the one.  (Got a pull-out poster about the development of submarines inside, too.)