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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: question on PSUBS

Hi Tim,

You just asked the second most important question question of any psub
design. Search the psubs archives to get some of the discussion.
Basically you have a few options depending if you are talking ambient
or 1-atm designs.

For ambient you can:

	1. use a rebreather at shallow depth (you need to be certified)
	2. use scuba (you need to be certified)
	3. hold your breath
	4. pump air down from the surface
	5. just breath what is in the cabin and come up often
For 1-atm:

	1. pump air down from the surface
	2. just breath what is in the cabin and come up often
	3. release compressed air into the cabin (pressure will increase
	   and you may blow out your windows upon surfacing, which will
	   make you sink)
	4. run the cabin air through CO2 absorbing material and add 
	   oxygen as needed. 


> From: Tazdevl77@aol.com
> Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 17:30:22 EDT
> Subject: question on PSUBS
> To: ray@psubs.org
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hello, my name is Tim Brink.  I have just one question, and I haven't been 
> able to answer it by searching the internet, so I'm hoping you could help me. 
>  My question is on life support systems for a PSUB.  I basically know nothing 
> about where to find a system, or what you need to have to be able to breathe 
> in the sub.  Any information you could give me would be great.  Thank you.  
> Tim