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Not much traffic on the ol' website lately; sure hope this means you guys with submarines are out there using them; you guys building submarines are out there building them; and you guys aspiring to have submarines are making efforts to get them.
Had a couple direct inquiries about my videos lately; so I thought I'd check in and let you all know what's happening with me.
First of all, I'm still working that full-time job, but I'm making good use of my spare time to do other things.
Lately, turned the spare bedroom into a Gym.  No more running on the road, or going downtown to drive the iron.  Really makes staying in shape a lot more convenient.  Everybody oughta have one!
KEN SHULTZE: I made a scale model of my corvette-powered high-speed minisub.  If I send it to you, can you put it in a windtunnel for some tests?
Editing of the NAUTILUS MINISUB VIDEO was put on hold for a while, waiting for a small bit of footage I thought would add some special appeal to the overall program.  Been about 2 months; but still nothing from this guy.  Looks like I'm going to have to move on.  No problem; I've got a LOT of material from some of the best and most knowledgeable 20,000 LEAGUES fans in the World, and this is going to be one FORKIN' good show!  So if anybody stalled out and got left on deck when we dive, it's their loss! 
I've only got about three rules in life: (1) Say what you mean; (2) Mean what you say; and (3) Do what you say you're going to do.  I'm not perfect, but I do try my darndest to live by those rules; and without them, I doubt that I would have ever built a submarine.  It's a shame when a project people are waiting for gets sidetracked by unfilled promises; but sometimes it happens and there's nothing I can do about it.  So, to those of you who've been asking where the NAUTILUS MINISUB VIDEO is; she's been delayed through no fault of my own; but I'm moving on now, getting it on real hard; and I'll have it finished as soon as I can possibly do so.  Trying for a release in June.  But this is why I didn't take any pre-paid orders.  Even with the best of intentions, it ALWAYS takes longer than we planned, for one reason or another.  Anyway, please hang in there folks; I haven't forgotten you!
Work on the exterior detailing of the NAUTILUS MINISUB continues; doing a little bit every day or so.   If all continues to go according to plan, she WILL be in the water this Summer for some video at Kawaihae and Miloli'i to be included in the HOMEBUILT SUBMARINES program.
Speaking of that, I continue to collect footage from people for the HSV project, too.  It's really shaping up to be a good one; got some really spectacular stuff so far.  I've also got the technical parts of the program shot, and all I'm doing now is waiting for those guys who said they were going to contribute, and preparing my sub for Summertime photo-ops.  Again, you contributors still have time: I'm going to assemble footage through the Summer, and start editing in the Fall.  So, if you're planning on operating this Summer, still going to be building, or whatever; go ahead and shoot that video footage and don't forget to send it to me!   This is going to be a good show, and I'm doing my utmost to make sure it's one we'll all be proud to be in.  
BTW:  I originally specified I could use only Video-8 tapes.  FORGET THAT!  I can now use ANY format you might have it on!  HI-8, Video-8, DVC, VHS, VHS-C, PAL or NTSC.  And remember: it doesn't have to be an elaborate, finished project.  Just random, non-narrated footage with the background sounds intact is fine.  Stills are OK too; just scan 'em and "E" them to me!  I'll do the final editing and narration.  And you don't have to send me hours of stuff, either; the more the better, of course, but just a few minutes of scenes you'd like to represent you that I can select from will be adequate.  So don't be shy, or think that your contribution isn't good enough or whatever.  IT'S ALL GOOD!  Send it along!   Any questions, feel free to "E" me direct.
Well, that's about it for now.  I've got the SEARS guy coming over this afternoon to adjust the treadmill; and today's my day for lower body weight training.  So I'm going to crank up Don Henley's "WORKIN' IT" on the stereo and go get it on!  I hope you'll all do the same.
"We get the most out of life when we give it all we've got."  GO FOR IT, PSUBBERS!!!!