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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New to the list and to Personal subs!

Take a look through the psub archives using the search tool.  Just type in
"trolling motors".  Click on the first message listed, and then go to the
bottom of the page and click on "Thread".  There's all kinds of info
including a debate about the merits and risks of using trolling motors.
I've read it all and have read additional comments since as late as just
last month.  I think trolling motors are pretty much accepted as a viable
source of propulsion.  The cup seal on the shaft may wear down after a while
because of differential pressure, but this can be replaced with a new one.
Also, the bal seals you refer to are expensive, and from what I have read
are used when you have a thru-hull propellor shaft.  For example if you had
a big 5hp or so motor inside the hull with you with a gear reduction unit
and a shaft that penetrates the rear of the hull.  Yeah, a ceramic seal
would be the ticket.  But thats what is neat about the trolling motors.  You
can mount them on the outside of the hull with just an electrcal thru-hull
connection.  You can even set them up to vector the thrust by having one on
each side of the sub as is the case with the K-250.  Anyway, use the archive
search tool as I explained above.  I think you will enjoy it.
Big Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: pedro bedard <pedro@pangea.ca>
To: Psubs <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>; Psubs
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2000 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New to the list and to Personal subs!

>Big Dave,
>Thanks for the insight,
>I was given to understand that trolling motors won't stand up to
>pressure, even at 2 or 3 atmospheres. Or is there a way to gear them? I
>read about a ceramic pump shaft that has been used with some success.
>Thanks again, that's why I joined this list, to get info and suggestions!