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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] U 26 for sale

Carsten, that comes out to $ 0.64/mile. That's not so bad. My old 1970 GTO 
used to get that kind of gas mileage. Go ahead and put me down for one of 
those units :) As long as they don't cost too much, they may be fun to own. 
Cut some big holes in the hull for viewports and you could turn that baby 
into an underwater restaurant or hotel. Better yet, do like those yatch 
schools do and offer classes on piloting a submarine. Charge 20 sub 
wannabe's $1,000 a week to operate the sub. Make them hotbunk together, and 
let them drink diesel tainted water. Let them clean out the bilges. Then, 
make them fish and scuba dive for there own food. After the week is over, 
pin some dolphin's on there shirt, smile at them like they've really 
accomplished something marvelous, give them a certificate, and through them 
over board. They'll love it and tell all their friends. Then, we'll have to 
buy the second sub just to put up with demand. The more rediculous this 
sounds, the more I think there's a businees opportunity. Anyone interested?? 
Carsten, how much can we buy one of those subs for??
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