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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: GUNS and stuff

Sorry Gary,
 But I never talk in a movie theater...but then again
 if a liberal started spouting off about taking my guns
 in there I would be the first to stand up and DEFEND
 the right of all people to have bear arms....
 Robert Teed ( no sub yet....too busy protecting the 2nd
 admendment )
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of
> protek@shreve.net
> Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 8:25 AM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: GUNS and stuff
> Psubbers,
>      I have been silent lately on the group, but do observe the
> emails that
> come in.  And I have returned the emails I have received
> personally.  Many
> times I do not want to post a submersible related email on psubs that I
> feel is of little broad interest.  But I have noticed that their has been
> much abuse of this group as to what it was created for.  Although I may
> agree with some of the issues I have seen on here, this is NOT the place
> for such, and posting personal philosophies on a submersible discussion
> group is "Abuse."  It is a captive audience that some people use to hear
> their views, probably because nobody else will listen.
>      A number of months ago this kind of junk caused the group to loose a
> number of its best people.  They just didn't want to have to sort through
> the non-relevant emails which were prolific.  This is happening again
> probably by the same people that annoy you when they talk out loud in a
> theatre during the pertinent scenes of a movie.
>      I'm sure I will get flamed by this letter, but before you do, think
> about something.  What is the basic purpose of this group and why do the
> people subscribe in the first place?  If you can answer in truth
> that this
> group is there to promote your views on guns, education and childhood
> entertainment etc.  Then go ahead and flame me.
> Gary R. Boucher
> P. S.  If I had engaged in going off on these tangents and not diligently
> applied myself to the task, I would not have a working home-built
> submersible today.

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