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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: GUNS and stuff


     I have been silent lately on the group, but do observe the emails that 
come in.  And I have returned the emails I have received personally.  Many 
times I do not want to post a submersible related email on psubs that I 
feel is of little broad interest.  But I have noticed that their has been 
much abuse of this group as to what it was created for.  Although I may 
agree with some of the issues I have seen on here, this is NOT the place 
for such, and posting personal philosophies on a submersible discussion 
group is "Abuse."  It is a captive audience that some people use to hear 
their views, probably because nobody else will listen.
     A number of months ago this kind of junk caused the group to loose a 
number of its best people.  They just didn't want to have to sort through 
the non-relevant emails which were prolific.  This is happening again 
probably by the same people that annoy you when they talk out loud in a 
theatre during the pertinent scenes of a movie.
     I'm sure I will get flamed by this letter, but before you do, think 
about something.  What is the basic purpose of this group and why do the 
people subscribe in the first place?  If you can answer in truth that this 
group is there to promote your views on guns, education and childhood 
entertainment etc.  Then go ahead and flame me.

Gary R. Boucher

P. S.  If I had engaged in going off on these tangents and not diligently 
applied myself to the task, I would not have a working home-built 
submersible today.