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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Nekton, Delta

Gidday Greg,
I think Carsten and I are the only ones interested in building that size of
sub, with those capabilities. Carsten is the authority as he has been
researching the concept for years. I have lots of ideas but one of the
important things I think is to keep it simple and high quality otherwise you
could end up spending close to the cost of a sub made by US submarines and
very expensive to run. But all the same principals apply that the guys talk
about on this site.
The only big difference is the generator and compressor of course and
there's not a lot around to guide you I've found. Even the professionals do
the systems differently so all concepts are valid as long as they build in
Keep entouch,
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Teiber <wolfe19@megsinet.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: 14 March 2000 20:40
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Nekton, Delta

> This is a good point.  I've spent a lot of hours considdering how I was
goign to store a sub in the water....  Because of junk collecting in the
ballast tanks.  Now the real questoin is how to keep windows clean below the
waterline. heheh
> has anyone considdered a livaboard design.  I'm not talking huge.  Just
something decently sized, and could take the place of a 25-30 foot cabin
cruiser.  The biggest thing on my mind so far is how to seal off the vents
necessary to life in a closed enviroment.  Plumbing, cooking exhaust,
bahtroom exaust.  All of this ONLY on the surface though.  Bathroom and
galley would be off limits when submerged.
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 3/14/00 at 8:15 PM Karl  & Shirin Fuller wrote:
> >Thanks Big Dave,
> >For all the links, I can see why you like the Delta and will be building
> >similar vessel.
> >Do they get any problem with salt or dirt build up in the ballast tank
> >cutting down visibility ? In an autonomous sub, in the water most of the
> >time, this could be a problem but it is a great idea and solves safety
> >ballast problems. Actually, the sub would be operational with the ballast
> >tanks full of air most of the time so most of the marine growth would be
> >the outside and easily cleaned.......in summer.
> >From down under,
> >Karl.
> >