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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Keefer" <Ray.Keefer@ebay.sun.com>

> Hi Pat,

" From: "Captain Nemo" <vulcania@interpac.net> I was going to stay out of
this; and I'll probably wish I had."

[Hi Ray, If this topic is alright with the Webmeister, it's alright with

"I never see any statistics about how many good people save their lives,
loved ones, or property with guns every day."
> You won't ever see real statistics. Only estimates. Problem is that in
> jurisdictions you will get arrested and charged if you report that you
> had to use a gun to protect or scare off a criminal. Many of the incidents
> do not get reported.

[True.  Even the Crime Index Reports published by the FBI aren't accurate
because most crimes aren't reported; and nobody knows how many criminals
take flight at, say,  the sound of a pump shotgun being racked.]

> Unless of course you shoot someone. The you will be arrested and even if
> was later ruled justified you may never get your gun back and will
> be sued for millions of dollars.

[True again.  I knew a man who had to go to court for shooting an intruder.
When the judge asked him why he'd shot the man six times,  John looked him
straight in the eye and replied "Because I only had a revolver, your honor."
True story; and John was acquitted.  That incident occurred 30 years ago,
however; judicial precedents have changed since then; and even in
self-defense, one can expect to be challenged for the use of excessive
force.  It's going to be up to the judge and jury; but like they say:
"Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six."]

"And many people focus on the comparatively few mistakes law enforcement
officers make, instead of the countless times every day they risk their own
lives so others can be safe."

> Agreed.

[Thank you.]

"Carsten, I respect your right to your own opinion, and it is a beautifully
humanitarian one.  But there are sociopaths and societal deviants out there
who are not as humane as you are; and if one of them breaks into your home
at night, I strongly urge you to not assume he's only a harmless thief,
because he might be Charles Mansons meaner twin brother.    Very best
regards, Pat"

[I would like everyone to understand: I'm not trying to belittle Carsten, or
foist my values on him.  I just don't want to see any innocent person get
hurt, and I do know there are predators out there who will enter a home with
the intent of hurting people.  Personally, I believe in being prepared for
the worst, and using the minimum amount of force necessary to handle a
self-defense situation.  But that's just my own opinion.  Everyone must
address this issue according to his own conscience, and I respect their
right to do so within the law.]

> Calling 911 is not a solution either. It can take 5 to 60+ minutes for a
> unit to respond. Even then our Supreme Court has ruled in two seperate
> cases that the police are not resposible for protecting individuals. Only
> public at large. Kind of makes you warm and cozy when things go bump in
> the night.
> Regards,
> Ray

[True: surviving the first moments of a home invasion encounter is the
hardest; and during that time, you can expect to be on your own.  Maybe this
discussion is related to PSUBS after all.  In both cases: "YOU are the one
ultimately responsible for your life and the life of those in your Personal
Submersible" (and / or home).

It is not the gun, but the nut behind the trigger, which kills
indescriminately.  "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
On the night an armed intruder enters my neighbor's home and proceeds toward
the bedroom of his sleeping children with hostile intent, I hope he is well
armed and prepared to act.

I long for a World where everyone is kind, and sane, and respects the laws
upon which societies are based; unfortunately, we're not there yet.
Meanwhile, I support the NRA, because it protects your right to keep and
bear arms.  I know many of you will disagree; but on the day that the life
of someone you love is saved by a man who judiciously and prudently uses a
firearm, you might change your mind.]

Very best regards,
