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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan J. Rice" <dan.j.rice@sherwin.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

>"Quench not the spirit!....Admitetedly the printed word does not always
reveal the mood of the writer, so there is on the part of the reader an
obligation to give the benefit of the doubt when he reads into the message
an emotional component."

Roger that, Brother Rice.  I'll bend over backwards to be accomodating, but
I also recognize some people will take you the wrong way no matter what you
say.  I'm trying to focus my posts to constructive, sub-related topics; and
maintain an acceptable level of "community behavior" in my choice of terms.
I see psubs from the standpoint of someone who is involved with designing,
manufacturing, and operating experimental homebuilt submarines; that's a
risky business, and it's always going to be controversial.  I'm all for
promoting safety relative thereto, however; and I'm trying to reflect that
in my posts.   If I get "dunked" anyway, well, I'm not made out of sugar and
I aint gonna melt!

>" P the S wrote previously  "I see a lot of bright minds here, all wanting
to be
> heard." ( I never met anyone who could "see minds" or any minds that could
> heard""

Been that way ever since the hatch hit me in the head!

"until P the S the Y the C the H the I the C came along) but his point is
well taken."

I feel like I'm walking into a setup here, but seeing as how its you: mind
telling us what those initials stand for?  (Excuse me for a moment while I
get my swim trunks on!)

"I have learned a lot just lurking in the shadows these past few days (lurk,
> lurk) and was mystified when I started seeing mails about "Captain Nemo's
> attack"  I thought I had missed something!  I just didn't read the
> message as an attack.  But all the fallout of the exchange has stimulated
> informative discussion.

Thanks, Dan.

Now we know we don't know "squat"..."

But I'm sure you realize I was only saying someone else was going to write
in to explain the phenomenon known as "squat" to us, and if I phrased it
with the veiled implication that someone suggested we "didn't know squat",
it was only for comedic relief and pun value, right?

"...and knowing you don't know is one big step forward."

It's the first step toward learning.

Many mahalos, Braddah Rice!

Pat  (the Subling formerly known as Tadpole whose email handle is Captain

(RUT-ROH,  ROOBY!...there goes that "identity crisis" again!)