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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

>>P the S wrote:  " I got so, shall I say,
"enthusiastic" in making my point that I projected an aggression that should
not have been my intent.  Since then I've tried to write so as not to
offend; and I hope I've improved on that."

"Quench not the spirit!" i.e. don't let your enthusiasm be squelched by your
desire to not offend, that's too P.C for me. (and not nearly so fun)  These guys
should know the importance of having a good pressure hull, (the sublings version
of a thick skin.)

Admittedly the printed word does not always reveal the mood of the writer, so
there is on the part of the reader an obligation to give the benefit of the
doubt when he reads in to the message an emotional component, (not that there
isn't one there, but enthusiasm can look like something else from a distance.)
Personally I want all of you to write enthusiastically.

P the S wrote previously  "I see a lot of bright minds here, all wanting to be
heard." ( I never met anyone who could "see minds" or any minds that could "be
heard"  until P the S the Y the C the H the I the C came along) but his point is
well taken.

I have learned a lot just lurking in the shadows these past few days (lurk,
lurk) and was mystified when I started seeing mails about "Captain Nemo's
attack"  I thought I had missed something!  I just didn't read the original
message as an attack.  But all the fallout of the exchange has stimulated much
informative discussion.  Now we know we don't know "squat" and knowing you don't
know is one big step forward.
