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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean T. Stevenson" <ststev@uniserve.com>
To: "Captain Nemo" <vulcania@interpac.net>;
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

> It would appear that my reply to Carsten came off rather more hostile
> than I intended.  >
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 22:07:34 -0000, Captain Nemo wrote:
 it's to everyone's advantage to seek out that grain of truth rather
> >than shout the other guy down.

Well, I for one completely understand.  Not long ago I made what I thought
was a "thorough" defense of my submarines practicality to an actually
inoffensive observation by Vance (an extremely experienced and knowledgeable
sub pilot, who I am fortunate was big enough not to be completely turned
off, and is still talking to me), and it was perceived as an attack.
Looking at it now, I can see how that happened, too.  I got so, shall I say,
"enthusiastic" in making my point that I projected an aggression that should
not have been my intent.  Since then I've tried to write so as not to
offend; and I hope I've improved on that.

And Sean. I hope you will see that my comment about trying to not "shout the
other guy down" was not aimed exclusively at you, but at ALL OF US to whom
it might apply, even if only a little bit.

BTW: I'm not HELIOX qualified, but I think I understand what you meant about
partial pressure of O2 in the mix becoming toxic at great depths.  I was
going to jump in there with an answer, but I thought it best to let you
speak for yourself.  Oxygen toxicity is something submersible persons should
all be aware of.  Go for it!
