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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Response to Captain Nemo's attack

Here, Here Admiral Ray-
I agree wholeheartedly.  Both of you ( Vance and Pat )are among our more
knowledgeable and vocal colleagues.  I commend you both on your work, and
the inspiration that you have given me to pursue my own sub someday.  Thanks
to both of you for sharing your thoughts with the group.
Now, whiskey all around...
----- Original Message -----
From: Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@ebay.sun.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Response to Captain Nemo's attack

> Hi,
> I am reminded of the Gilbert and Sullivant song from HMS Penifore
> called the "Britsh Tar". The line "... ever ready for the knock down
> Guys we are all very passionate about PSUBS. Those who have built and
> own are even more so. How else could we have endured the redicule and
> laughter while patiently building the beast.  Every PSUB builder must
> feel much like Noah. Building what everyone else perceived as folly.
> Every PSUB is different. I think the both of you have just been
> illustrating the differnces between your two PSUBS. Please don't get
> hung of the choice of words or even the assumed inference of the choice
> of words. I would rather keep you two friendly then have one leave in a
> I have actually enjoyed the comparisons between the two PSUBS. Let's
> know that there are many different ways to approach PSUB design. Always
> tradeoffs. Complex vs.Simple. Fast vs. Slow. Deep vs. Shallow. ....
> I don't really care as long as it is safe, it works and you enjoy your
> Regards,
> Ray
> P.S. I'll probably will take heat from this one.