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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Replica subs

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:02:38 -0000 "Captain Nemo" <vulcania@interpac.net>
>Back in the late 80's, the only copy of the DISNEY NAUTILUS plans I
>find was a poor quality XEROX the local librarian took of the Art
>Plans published in CINEFANTASTIQUE MAGAZINE: I enlarged it many times 
>and made the working drawings on which the replica hull is based from 

I did the same thing to get plans of a 1950s USN target submarine.  
One day I spent my quarters and a couple of hours trying to get 
good drawings of a X-craft (I was going to build it out of plexiglass, 
but that's another story).

It's really very frustrating, isn't it?

>Nowadays, there are lots of plans around.

Check the URL I provided in my other message.   

>A SEAVIEW would be cool; especially if we could build one with an 

There's a chap named Richard Tesky who has built several models
of it.   One of them is about 17 feet long.   All display or pond models,

As I recall, the series and the movie used three: a 1.5 foot version,
an 8-foot version and an 18-foot version.   No one seems to know
what happened to any of them, after the series was cancelled.

(In about '65, I built the usual models of the Seaview, and realized
how unlikely it was.   So I took a Renwal Ethan Allen, stripped out
the torpedo room and made it into a two-level observation
nose with six windows around the sides of the hull.   I moved 
the torpedo tubes back into the forward part of the missile
room (losing six missile tubes).   If I were going to do it today,
I'd still use the Ethan Allen (I think), and add a section forward
of the missile room for the torpedo tubes (I could have eight
instead of four) and for a diver and equipment lockout room.)

Taubman Plans Service (in New Jersey, I think) used to sell
Seaview plans, but I can't seem to find the website any
more.   The owner had some health problems several
years ago, so it all may be gone.

Mike holt

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