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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:Information Motherload

Hi Paul,
If the information is owned by the NAVY then you might try going through the
back door, like the Naval Postgraduate School.  I met with the director for the
Center for AUV Research, Anthony J. Healey, (email: healey@me.nps.navy.mil)
along with LCDR Jeffery Riedel (jsriedel@me.nps.navy.mil).  They were both very
interested in my project and were willing to help in numerous ways.  I believe
that they could help you in your search for a specific propulsion technology or
direct you to a key person as long as the information is not classified.
Take care,
Ken Schulze

Paul Suds wrote:

> Hey guys, I was just looking through the PSU web site for the vortex
> propulsion system, and I found a site that I have just got to share with you
> all. I haven't even visited a small fraction of these sites, but the ones I
> did visit were great. In fact I'll probably be spending significant follow
> up time on these for my propulsion system. A side note: did you know that
> the MK-50 torpedo weighs 750lbs, carries a 100 lb shaped charge, and can
> operate at speeds of 40+ mph. It currently uses propulsion technology
> developed at PSU I believe. Additionally, the vortex combustor that I
> mentioned to many of you earlier uses alluminum powder and sea water in a
> vortex combustor to generate propulsive force. OK, so Nemo's going to put a
> 350CID internal combustion engine in his sub to compete in a 1/4 mile
> underwater race. If I can get my hands on the information from some of these
> sources, I'll beat the pants off of him. Unfortunately, all they want to do
> is give me the general specs on some of these systems. I wonder whether they
> are confidential or whether they want to see green ($$$)???