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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Challenge (first mini-sub national)

Pat (Nemo), I read your e-mail to me, and am responding on the site for 
everyone elses benifit. I thought your idea of using an internal combustion 
engine underwater was a joke. In fact, I kind of thought that you were full 
of hot air. In fact, as Doctor Suds, with my one eyed patch and pussy cat, 
surrounded by loose women on my private island off of honduras, I would have 
to wack you as an example to the others. Au Contraire, I may have to make 
you number one, ha!! i think your idea has merit. I ran the numbers to prove 
you wrong. here's a little lesson in stoichiometry:
Assuming the following:
You run under water at 20 knots.
You run for 1/4 mile.
You consume 1/2 gallon of Ethanol CH3OH
Ethanol is approxiamtely 6.16 gallons/lb
you would need 1407grams of fuel
The equation is CH3OH+O2=CO2+H2O
The ballanced equation is 2CH3OH+3O2=2CO2+4H2O
therefore, 2 Moles of Ethanol require 3moles of O2
There are 32g/Mole of Ethanol and 32g/Mole of O2 (coincidence)
1407 grams of Ethanol fuel =43.75 moles of ethanol
3/2 (3Mole of O2/2 Moles of Ethanol) times 1407 grams=2080 grams of O2
Since there are 22.4 liter/mole of any gas,
you would need 1430 Liters of O2.
This is 50 Ft3 of Oxygen
If you used Air, you would need 250 Ft3 of air.
These are all theortical with a 100% yield.
Someone check my numbers please (don't bother, they're right, ha)
It woudld take you 45 seconds to go the 1/4 mile. If you could double your 
speed (20 knots isn't that fast, 60 is), you wouldn't need as much. I was 
just being conservative. Yeah, Nemo, you probably would beat the pants off 
my electric unit, but now you've got me thinking. Hmmmm...that is dangerous 
on Suds island. You should test out your engine with compressed gas as you 
mentioned. Keep us informed. Hawaii, huh. Too expensive to move out there, 
unless my henchmen could...... Suds

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