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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Acrylic bubble port construction techniques? ASK DALE!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nathanael Henderson"

" Fifth option:  Dammit, go buy one.  :-)    How expensive are commercially
manufactured domes?   (Any size prices would be usefull.)"

In December '99, Dale posted pictures of his in-progress K-sub; and in
particular,  the acrylic bubble he'd just gotten for it.  I emailed him for
info, and he gave me the name and phone number of the gent who made it for
him.  Unfortunately, since then my C-drive crashed, I lost the file, and I'm
not even sure what the fellas name was, but I think it might have been Mike?

Anyway, maybe if you contact Dale he can put you in touch with this guy.  He
was a nice sort to talk to.  Told me he'd made quite a few of these domes in
various sizes for some very well-healed sub people.  Price wasn't really
cheap, but custom stuff seldom is, but it wasn't grossly expensive, either;
and I felt it was easily worth what he was asking.  (And when it's the only
thing standing between you and an implosion, quality is worth a few extra
bucks, right?)

The thing I liked most is this gentleman has done a lot of these for the
submarine community, and proven reliability means a lot to me.

FO-MO-INFO: check the December 99 PSUBS Archive for references to the
acrylic bubble on Dales sub.  Might lead you to what your looking for.

BY THE WAY, DALE: if you see this, howsabout sending me that source
information one more time?  Thanks!

Very best regards,

Pat Regan