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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Acrylic bubble port construction techniques?

> Hey Nate,
> Are you old enough to remember this stupid toy we had
> when I was growing up? It consisted of two acrylic
> resin balls on strings, which one click-clacked away
> like some paddle ball. As I remember, some kids would
> be playing with these things, and they blew up in the
> kids' face. :{0>

    Ooooh, yes.   They were highly prized as the 'ultimate marble' after
liberating them from their strings.  :-)   (My brother has this
marvelous atrocity of a home decorating piece consisting of a bunch of
those balls in slightly varying hues arranged as a giant cluster of
grapes, faux leaves and all.)
     As far as exploding ones, I'm skeptical--acrylic tends to fail rather
nicely, in big rough chunks (and then only after considerable impact.)
The main danger of the 'klackers' seemed to be their enthusiastic use as
weapons.  :-)