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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Trailer launch (was Langkawi Islands)

From: Dan J. Rice:
Well Cap'n,  you may not be "THE Captain Nemo" but you're our Captain Nemo
bet there aren't 20,000 guys out there with their own Nautilus sub!!  So
the T-Shirt that says "I own a Harley - Not just a T-shirt!!" you've got
the sub."

Wow, thanks braddah!  BTW: been riding the same '66' FL for the past 24
years, too!
"Hardly-Dangerous"; wouldn't have it any other way!

"Right now I'm just a dreamer with a canoe as my watercraft inventory.  But
the time comes I'll have a computer full of sub lore from PSUBS to draw
from. from just above the waterline,"

I read that an early underwater attack was done by soldiers who used 
inverted canoes as submarines, and walked on the bottom to sneak up on the
enemy.  I'm NOT recommending you try this; but historically it seems you
are in good company.

Keep on keeping on.



Oh, BTW: your email arrived with a paperclip icon, but no attachment. 
Whatupwidat?  I'd be interested to see what it was, if you've got time to E
me directly.
