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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Drag Racing...

The idea I presented to Chris Nugent in the thread entitled Shadetree Sub Builders was offered there as a jest; but it's something I've thought seriously about since the 80's; UNDERWATER DRAG RACING.
It could be done at, say, depths of less than 33 feet.  Classes could include "closed circuit" and "tank aspirated / open circuit" exhaust systems.  Propulsion?  Hell!  Run what you brung!  Unlimited!
We could mark off a quarter mile with boats; run from a standing start; go flat out for ET's.  Probably need some rigid "drag chute" device to pop out of the hull at the end of the run to keep us from ending up in Tahiti.
Whataya think the World speed record for minisubs is?
I've got two streamlined hulls that were earmarked for other projects; I'd be willing to convert one to this purpose.  I've got two Chevy 350's downstairs growing rust; and if the competition gets tough, I could always pull the 454 out of my 'Vette.
Turning a radical prop or a Berkley Jet Pump, that sucker would haul balls!  Talk about instant pucker-factor!  Your buns would be pluckin' lint from the inside of your baggies, for sure!
Now THIS is what I call a RUSH; and we could do it. 
Comments?  Well-intended cautions (which I'll probably ignore anyway)?  Remarks about my sanity?  All are welcomed.
Whatya think?
(Seriously, folks...)
Pat Regan