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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: For Shadetree Sub Builders (like me)...

Yep!  I agree with all of that!

The TURTLE sounds like a cool idea.  I recall reading somewhere that someone
built a functional replica of it; if I can find the info, I'll send you the
URL.  But having your own would be great!

When you think of it, ALL the early subs were of the "shadetree" variety
(built by small groups of people, groping through the unknown in their
private shops).  At least we have better technologies and access to greater
amounts of proven information.  What's that old saying about "standing on
the shoulders of giants"?

As far as I'm concerned, just being underwater is groovy, and 10-feet is
respectable.  Plus, the light is good, and there's lots to see.

I've got a self-imposed limitation: I won't take my sub into water deeper
than that from which I can safely escape using SCUBA; that way, even if the
boat wants to become a permanent fixture on the bottom, I've still got a way
home.  (And I can probably salvage it later.)

I learned this concept as a boy, from a DENNIS THE MENACE cartoon: visualize
him dangling from a tree with a rope around his middle; a pile of lumber
that had once been a treehouse laying on the ground; and Dennis saying to a
distraught Mr. Wilson: "You didn't really think I'd trust something I made
myself, did you?"


Pat Regan