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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Horsepower

At 0303 -0600 01/27/0, Greg Teiber wrote:
>You two are making assumptions electric people make.

Who are these... 'electric people' of which you speak?

>As electric motors go, the only relavant number is continous duty.  Their
>overpower settings are only good for 30sec-2mins.  And that just isn't a
>signifigant number for a slow moving boat like a Psub.  As for the
>batterys, that depends on what you use, LeadAcid a full discarge is down to
>30-40%, but for nicads it's 98%  Well we are getting on a tangent here.
>The proper method for Psub propulsoin is Sealed leadacid batterys, and a
>big, torquey electric motor, run at 5-10% power :)

I forgot. Why is that? If you can discharge nicads deeper, why not use them?

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner