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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: "Ferrocement" for hull material?

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 20:21:31 -0500 "Allan Gaines" writes:
>While I was off the list, was there ever any discussion
>on using ferrocement for hull material?  I've heard of
>its use for building boats, and I also saw an article
>in POPULAR MECHANICS magazine (or something
>similar)  about the possibity of building subs from
>material like this.  I've been wondering about it for
>a while.  Thanks in advance.

Welcome back, Allan.   You've been missed.

This has been discussed; I presume the details
are in the archives.

At the same time it was being discussed. on Yacht-L
we saw message from a New Zealander who'd just
finished his ferrocement hull.   He had the compressive
strenght tested, and it came out about a tenth of what
it was expected (and gaurenteed) to be.   That ended
it for me: he'd used professional plasterers and other
experts, and the result was totally unacceptable.

We've been talking about a totally fiberglass hull, which
has the same uncertainties.

Michael B. Holt                                Oregon Hill, Richmond,
Virginia, U.S.A.
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