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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Legislation (was: P-space)

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 22:27:34 -0600 David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>Right -- but the realm submarines operate in is already claimed and 
>regulated by geopolitical entities. You'd have a hard time getting 
>anybody to leave you alone in a sub, because they'd claim they have 
>"jurisdiction" over you. Well, the nations of the world like to 
>pretend they have jurisdiction over the *whole rest of the universe* 
>too -- but let's see 'em try. (and this is what that book's about). 

This is amusing.

Long ago -- in the days of transistors soldered to circuit boards inside
computers -- I wondered about who controlled what.   I was looking for
some device or condition that the FAA did NOT control.

So I asked them.   They answered.

As far as I know, even now, only space is totally outside their control.
And ballistic missiles do not have to be certified to fly.

Please note that, in the U.S., the Coast Guard, when asked specifically,
will say that they require of home built submarines only that the boats
conform to the regulations for small craft.

There was an attempt in the 60s to regulate research submarines, but
it went nowhere.

>I'd definitely like to have a look at that, before the insanity of 
>that novel wears off. So if you're not posting it to the list, shoot a 
>copy my way. (Where did you find it anyway?)

It's on its way.   I stumbled onto it in, I think, rec.aviation.home

Michael B. Holt                                Oregon Hill, Richmond,
Virginia, U.S.A.
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