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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs club sub

With 113 members spread all over the globe, I'm afraid you're right agout the
logistical problems of more than an occasional collaborative effort. But this
sure has been a fun discussion thread.  Part of what I come here for is the
excellent company, the fun loving and fanciful dreamers as well as the wise and
sometimes amazing expertise of the ones who have really gone and done it.  I
find it very interesting and instructional to learn something about building and
operating personal subs and about the motivations for doing it.  Carsten wants
to dive to 1000 feet because it's a good place to drink, among other things, and
Michael may just build a suborbital rocket one day.  And who can fault Joe's
logic when he writes, "My psub is an unscheduled, unbudgeted project. Funding is
based on lottery tickets. As long as construction is postponed, design can
proceed with impugnity."

I remember a thread a while back called "Tour of the Boat."  That was great, and
this has been something of a tour of the boat too.  It got a lot of response,
and I for one learned a little more about some of you.  Ray, you didn't spoil my
fun, you're a big part of it, one of those wise veterans who can get us all back
on solid footing, (whoops, that's not what subs are about either.)  I for one
will continue to give you reason to issue cautionary statements.

Later,  Dan

Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@ebay.sun.com> on 01/18/2000 01:02:21 PM

Please respond to personal_submersibles@psubs.org

To:   personal_submersibles@psubs.org
cc:    (bcc: Dan J. Rice/EST/Sherwin-Williams)

Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs club sub


There is or was a small group of PSUBers that broke off to develope a
PSUB. In the past there have been discussions to design a sub as a group.
Distance, costs, limits on e-mail for communication, shop location etc.
usually put a stop to such endevors.

I am afraid the in general the PSUBS web site is more to wet peoples appitites
and to give hints then to actually spell out how to do it.  Remember the
"P" in PSUBS means "Personal", as in it is an endevor done by individuals who
personally design, build and operate.

If some of the brighter of the bunch find a way to make a living at it then
go for it. If you desing your own and sell plans then great. Kittredge wanted
to phase out selling plans due to the fact he wasn't making money at it. His
cheapest plans were $250 and he wasn't selling enough. His plans were tested,
tried, certified.... still he wasn't making enough.

Sorry if I spoiled anyones fun.
