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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Mailing list and note- Frank Q

Could you remove me from the mailing list?  I thoroughly enjoy the  banter
but it's loading up my account at work too quickly.  I will as usual check out
the archives for the
hot topics.

I just found and got  a "Busby book-manned submersibles" on E-bay really cheap.
I also got a book on "the history of oceanographic submersibles" under twenty
dollars.  If you need any photo's scanned from them or if you'd like a
 reference from either of them just let me know.  There's plenty of vintage B&W
1960-70's photo's.

Is there any way you could change the title  in the photo Gallery from "Frank
Querzoli's Friend- Ashera" to "Jay and Wally Lesynski's  sub Ashera"?  I have
some B&W photo's of it in the two books and can send you additional  scans of
them if you'd like.

Has anybody ever mentioned a New England Sub Weekend ( bring them on down to one
place for show or trial- we've done some shipwreck diving shows and they were a
lot of fun)?   Jay and I were kicking it around we think that we could round up
about least six subs and have it in Newburyport MA and also get tours  at the
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (sub building) which is located nearby (20 mins).

Thanks a lot,

Frank Querzoli