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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Whooops!

    Yeah, I agree, great idea.   I think the first
step should be some kind of poll to determine what
everyone's needs and/or wants are.  We could work out
the technical stuff after we all figure out what we
want exactly, no?  Pending more responses I may have
more to add later.....


                             Chris Nugent

--- Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> Carsten - from Germany
> Timesharing submarine - great idear.
> I want a submarine only about 1 or 2 month a year,
> so timesharing
> seems possible. But it has to be a profi-offshore
> submarine to
> fullfill all requests from the differnt users. 
> Seem a good idear that the sub has to be so small
> that you can use 
> a normal 40 feet container means inside container 12
> x 2,35 x2,35 m 
> or equal 39 x 7,7 x7,7 feet. 
> A full scale MERMIAD V is here available for about
> 100.000 Dollar (or
> Euro) its about 7,4 x 1,8 x 2,7 m ( 1 feet = 0,3048
> m help yourself).
> Has two maipulators, diver look out, 4 persons, dive
> deep 260 m. 
> speed is up to 2,7 kn, weight is about 12,5 t.
> Endurance 10 hours.
> Will give for my part about 10.000-20.000 Dollar and
> will not accept
> more than 5-10 owners..
> regards, Carsten
> Ray Keefer schrieb:
> > 
> > Hi Jonathan Wallace,
> > 
> > How many addresses do we have in the
> personal_submersibles list?
> > 
> > All,
> > 
> > Once we have that number we should divide by 10 to
> get a number of people who
> > would be interested and maybe divide by 100 to get
> those who would actually
> > put money on it. For the sake of conversation lets
> divide by 10 and see where
> > it goes.
> > 
> > Issues would be:
> > 
> > Costs
> >         To aquire a sub
> >                 Total cost / number of time shares
> = cost per time share
> >         Yearly Membership Fee (for upkeep, taxes,
> recertification, licenses,
> >                 insurance, salary, parts....)
> >                 Yearly total / number of time
> shares = cost per time share
> > 
> > Week long cruises....hmmm. Actually it would be
> more like:
> >         Saturday        maintenance, refill
> consumables, refuel,
> >                         inspect, clean.... (one
> day as an extreme minimum)
> >         Sunday - Friday available for cruising,
> additional consumables, refuel
> > 
> > Periodic maintenance
> >         One month enough? One week a quarter for
> three quarters and one month
> >                 in the forth quarter? Home much
> time and frequency would we
> >                 need?
> >         Who is going to do it or be hired to do
> it?
> >         Who is going to schedule the cruises and
> maintenance?
> >         Is it going to be a full time position?
> Part time?
> >         One person?
> >         Salary?
> > 
> > Location
> >         Where would the sub base be? In Florida?
> >         In a yacht club? On our own beach front?
> >         How about several beach front condos with
> docks with a SportSub at
> >                 each dock? Or rentable in the main
> office?
> >         Or is it trailerable?
> >         Then who is the one that will tow it to
> each user?
> >         How many days of that week is the sub on
> the road? Or would it be
> >                 one week in use then one week on
> road (which would half
> >                 the available time shares)?
> >         Or is the the next user's job to pick it
> up from the current user?
> >         If so who, when and where does the
> maintenance occur?
> >         Which one person will be familiar enough
> with the sub to make sure
> >                 all the correct maitenance and
> inspection is occuring?
> >         A simple SportSub type craft would ease
> these concerns except all
> >                 users would have to be scuba
> certified.
> >         Limit location to the United States? North
> America? The World?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Ray
> > 
> > > X-Lotus-Fromdomain: SWCBD
> > > From: "Dan J. Rice" <dan.j.rice@sherwin.com>
> > > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> > > Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 07:26:53 -0500
> > > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Whooops!
> > > Mime-Version: 1.0
> > > Content-Disposition: inline
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello All! Nice to be hearing from you again!
> > >
> > > About the time the list stopped working I had
> posed a question under the
> > subject
> > > "Time Share." Here it is again...
> > > _______________
> > > How many people are on this list anyway?  If we
> all chipped in to buy a U.S.
> > > Subs 60 meter, how much would each of us have to
> come up with, and how often
> > > would we get to use it? (based on week-long
> cruises at somewhere near full
> > > capacity,[including family or friend] with time
> out for periodic maintenance.)
> > > _______________
> > >
> > > I had thought this question would provoke some
> response at least.  When I
> > heard
> > > nothing for days I began to wonder.  I know this
> list is about finding the
> > > perfect used propane tank, putting in some port
> holes, periscopes, pressure
> > > gauges, dive planes, CO2 scrubbers, and maybe a
> seat, then heading for the
> > > Mariannes trench, but this might be a fun
> concept to kick around. (And if a
> > few
> > > of us can get a million from Regis Philbin it
> could even happen!)
> > >
> > > Dan
> > >
> > >

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