[PSUBS-MAILIST] Pilgrimage to Capt. George Kittredge final resting place - a PSubs Convention near Annapolis

Brian Hughes via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Wed Mar 4 08:52:20 EST 2020


Jon and I connected yesterday. Thursday we'll connect again and settle on exact dates.

The thumb on the scale suggests early to mid July near Annapolis, MD. Details being worked in the background. I'll look for someplace reasonably affordable (including a venue to gather for presentations and static displays). Southwest flies into BWI so I'll post dates ASAP so you can get those "got to get away" specials.

As part of our gathering I think we should commit to visiting the Academy and honor the Captain's resting place, then maybe a dinner at the the harbor.


There's a WWII sub in Baltimore Harbor and Alec can get us into the Navy Museum in DC if we want to add those to the list of potential fieldtrips.

Steve, do you have contacts that might get us into the Naval Surface Weapons facility?  Mark Ragan shared that his contacts at the Academy have moved on. Was hoping maybe we could connect with Midshipmen chosing subs, but there's still time to look into that.

I have a friend who works for homeland security and tasked with protecting Navy Bases and I'll see if he can get us an interesting venue.

Alessandra has offered to help coordinate onsite details and I look forward to including some West Coast input, especially since I was born in San Jose and spent time living just over the hill from Berkeley. She's located in Berkeley. Call me a biased dad, but since our daughter is in the tech field I think it will be great to welcome a new generation of women explorers among us! Having been a past president of the Atlantis Rangers Scuba Club I have a lot of diver contacts in the area who might find our gathering interesting. We could contact local dive shops too and let them put the word out if we want to offer an afternoon of show and tell. With Alec's after school program and my work with Ecco Adventures, we also have potential to reach a lot of kids.

I see my role as helping to make this happen local to us. Jon clearly will coordinate presentations.  We could launch subs near Mark's place in Edgewater, but the visibility will be crap that time of year. If there's a strong desire to also dive I can see if bringing numerous subs to Maryland could open a reservoir to us.

Dr. Brian

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