[PSUBS-MAILIST] work boat

hank pronk via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Wed Feb 26 13:18:11 EST 2020

All, I have always wanted to build a pontoon boat to carry the sub.  Well today I was at our local sawmill that is decommissioned.  I am looking at buying a cubical from one of the saws.  This cubical is sound proof with big windows and would make a perfect wheel house\cabin on my new boat idea.  The cubical is 9.5 feet square and 7.75 feet tall and I can get it for 1,000 dollars C .  Not bad considering I can put it on a small diet to shed some weight and just weld it to the pontoons and that part is done.  The front window is even slanted like the work boats have.  Hank
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