Alec Smyth via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Fri Jul 20 22:32:20 EDT 2018

Hi Brian,

Hey thanks for your help in Tahoe. I have 640 GB of footage. However, it is
all 4K and although that is a really good thing, it also makes it
impractical to share the raw files due to their size. A lot of the footage
was passively shot with Gopros, so you have half an hour of blue water on
the other side of a viewport and perhaps 30 seconds (or nothing at all) of
something happening - very different to what you get with a human operator.
Since I went almost directly from Tahoe to a second adventure (a race in
Indianapolis) I finally began editing only yesterday. Hopefully I can have
something in about 2-3 weeks, although that's a bit flexible.

My impression is that the image and sound quality came out really good, but
that there isn't enough of a story or drama for a film that would be of
interest to the general public. We'll probably end up with a 10 minute
piece showing that PSUBS really can be used for science, and which might be
very useful for showing to additional scientists considering collaborations
with us, even if not quite engaging enough to be the next Netflix breakout.
Stay tuned, everyone here will be the first to hear when something is ready!


On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 8:54 PM, Brian Cox via Personal_Submersibles <
personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
>                   So are there some videos from some of the underwater
> dives at some of the places that were visited?    Since I had to leave
> early maybe I messed some of them.
> Brian
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