Alan via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Tue Apr 18 23:44:45 EDT 2017

Hi Brian,
the controller should be able to handle stall conditions especially if it came out of
a golf cart. You may want to look up an installation diagram for them. Sometimes
you need a resister in the system to limit inrush current to the controllers capacitors. 
Have you got the book " The 12V bible for boats"? I have a copy & several other
Psubbers have recommended it in the past.
You should have a large circuit-breaker/ fuse on the positive lead from your battery
before your main power switch. This will have to take your fullest possible load, i.e. all motors on full power + lights etc on. Then you will have circuit breakers on all your
individual systems like propulsion, lighting, etc. 

Also you don't want a potential short anywhere melting wires.

Sent from my iPad

> On 19/04/2017, at 9:57 AM, Brian Cox via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
>                I'm planning on having a fuse off my positive battery terminal.  Do I need any additional fuses anywhere?   Can that controller get overwhelmed some how?   Also can I use a AC fuse in a DC system?  I assume I would use a fuse rated at a little above the starting current of my motor.
> Brian
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