[PSUBS-MAILIST] Elementary 3000 redesign

hank pronk via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Sun Apr 9 11:35:42 EDT 2017

Hi All,I made a BooBoo when I designed Elementary 3000.  I did not spend enough time mocking up the port position for comfort.  With the current port location in relation to the hatch, it is uncomfortable.  If I raise the port 10 inches by rotating the sphere it is comfortable.  I can lean forward easily and look out the port in this position.  This means my hatch would be  off level  at the surface.  Does this matter?  it is better for staying open I guess.  The back of the land will be 3.5 inches lower than the front.  I am building a new body for the sphere to sit in-it will look more like a Square plastic ROV now than a submarine.  I got the idea at Nuytco and actually commented to Phil that  you could drop a sphere into the centre of their ROV and you would have a great sub.   My plan is to have two MBT's, one for and one aft inside the plastic panel enclosure.  If I make the aft MBT larger in volume, the sub will float at the surface with the hatch level to the water.  When I sink the sub it will be off level with the pilot sitting level with the port where it needs to be.  I am using plastic dock floats for MBT's.That should work Hank
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