[PSUBS-MAILIST] Personal_Submersibles Digest, Vol 40, Issue 38

River Dolfi via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Sun Oct 16 23:59:56 EDT 2016

Lifting a sub of even modest weight off of a trailer using a rotating A
frame will require a rather large counter weight on the tongue. I wouldn't
trust the hitch alone to hold back that much torque in the wrong direction.
I think a simpler solution would be to just attach large wheels to the sub
ala Simon Lake's Argonaut. Then any standard twin axle car trailer with a
winch would work for sub duty. This would probably be a good system for
someone who owns multiple subs. No need to build (or register and insure) a
custom trailer for every sub you build. Three large wheels on the sub could
be locked for transport easier than dozens of rollers. You would still have
trouble with launches from gently sloping,shallow, muddy shores though
since the wheels might bog down. You'd have a hard time launching a sub
using any method in those conditions though.

-River J. Dolfi

rdolfi7 at gmail.com
rwd5301 at psu.edu
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