Alan James via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Mon May 16 04:01:26 EDT 2016

Scott,what's wrong with Hank's long rope? It will always give you a very accurate crush depth!A good starting point would be to take detailed measurements as they would be neededwhatever way you go.   I met a lady on a train in Greece who was an FEA expert for Lloyds in London.she spent most of her time analyzing super tankers etc. I picked her brains for 4 hrs & wasn't left that confident with the process. Hugh told me he had his hull analysed with FEAtwice & the first was way off from the second, more detailed analysis. He might fill you in on the cost.   Are traditional engineering formulas not good enough if you have standard geometric shapes?Been seeing the pictures on FB, man what a project.Alan

      From: David Colombo via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
 To: Personal Submersibles General Discussion <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> 
 Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 6:15 PM
Hi Scott, I started with a company here in california. But I don't think they would be the right fit for the PVI.
I'll look up a company I spoke with last year and send you their info.
On Sun, May 15, 2016, 9:07 PM Brian Cox via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

Scott,        There's these guys : http://artisanind.com/certified-pressure-vessels/?gclid=Cj0KEQjwvOC5BRCb_8yNmZ_ls9IBEiQACTz8vn9coGX1TmOBaxs1kNrcbcz50OxluGRtkSw9MY-Wm9oaAi1V8P8HAQ It seems like there was a link on the psubs web site to an outfit who offered FEA engineering,  it was a link to another part of their web site as a info link.   BTW, when I go on the psubs site I don't see any navigation links?   I can get to the design page only because I have it saved.   Brian

--- personal_submersibles at psubs.org wrote:

From: Scott Waters via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
To: psubs <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 19:50:54 -0500

 Is there anyone who can do a FEA for Pisces VI? If not does anyone know anyone who can? Also, what is the cost and what is needed to do one?Thank you,Scott Waters

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