[PSUBS-MAILIST] scrubber performance

MerlinSub@t-online.de via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Sun Aug 14 03:15:28 EDT 2016

CO2 Konzentration
       300 ppm (0,03%)             Außenluft Land                 - fresh 
air country side
500-700 ppm (0,05%)            Außenluft Stadt                 - fresh air 
in town
     1000 ppm (0,1%)               Behaglichkeitsgrenze       - all fine
     1500 ppm  (0,15%)            Empfohlener Richtwert für Innenräume  - 
normal inside
     4000 ppm  (0,40%)            Schlafzimmer schlecht gelüftet  - 
sleeping room, windows close
     5000 ppm  (0,50%)            Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration (MAK)  
- max work space by law
     7000 ppm (0,70%)             Uboot Euronaut, 3 Pers.mehre Stunden , 
offen Luke.
                                               Kino schlecht gelüftet  - 
Sub Euronaut with 3 person without scrubber after 3 hours, cinema
   15000 ppm  (1,5%)              Zunahme Atemzeitvolumen um 40%   - 
quicker and harder breathing
   40000 ppm  (4,0% )             Ausatemluft - exhaust from the lungs
   50000 ppm  (5,0%)              Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel , headegs, turn 
around feeling
   80000-100000 ppm             Atemnot, Tod nach 30-60 Minuten, Verlöschen 
einer Kerze, out of breathing, dead after 30-60 minutes
   200000             ppm             Plötzliche Bewusstlosigkeit, Tod nach 
5-10 Minuten, Spontan offline, dead after 5-10 minutes
This table is in the flip chart folders in Euronaut on watertight sealed 
WE have simillar flip charts for other items.
Betreff: [PSUBS-MAILIST] scrubber performance
Datum: 2016-08-13T22:30:26+0200
Von: "hank pronk via Personal_Submersibles" 
<personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
An: "Personal Submersibles General Discussion" 
<personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
Hi All,
I just did a two person life support test and the CO2 level sits around 
4,000ppm  and the O2 flow is at .5 lpm   Is that CO2 level high?   When I 
am in the sub alone it sits around 2,500ppm
I am getting Gamma all geared up for a big dive with my mother as the 
passenger, that means a ladder, comfy seat, hot coffee, cookies.  She is 
very excited!

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