[PSUBS-MAILIST] instrument and environment display

via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Tue Jul 14 13:04:45 EDT 2015


I'll have to check out the Raspberry PI, as I'm not familiar with it. I believe the Android platform is Linux based, at least the phones are. Something I discovered when investigating app designing..

I know there are a lot of, cheep android platform tablets on the market. I'm sure you have already investigated the options.

Keith T.

Jon Wallace via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

>A touch-screen (ie tablet) is all that's necessary to send commands to 
>things like motors, lighting, etc.  My initial thoughts were with a 
>tablet as well but I've now been able to get the software working on a 
>Raspberry PI running Linux.  This opens up the possibility of obtaining 
>a cheap touch-screen (needs to have HDMI port) and building the entire 
>display for about half the price of a Samsung Galaxy.  That interests me 
>from the perspective of water infiltration getting where it shouldn't 
>and destroying a nice tablet vs destroying parts worth half the price.  
>However, the convenience of a tablet being used for both submarine 
>environment interaction and other daily uses is also a desirable trait.  
>Just a matter of personal choice I think.
>The "right" tablet needs to be selected however, a USB port is 
>required.  I know some of them don't have such ports.
>On 7/13/2015 7:42 PM, via Personal_Submersibles wrote:
>> Jon,
>> That would make a great open source project! If / when I get around to making a sub, I would like to have a fully monoritable interface via a tablet (most likely Android platform) of all relavent information at a glance. And even be able to operate control functions via the tablet too. Something like the PAD (personal access device) from Star Trek TNG
>> Keith T.
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