[PSUBS-MAILIST] Manual Scrubber.

James Frankland via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Tue Apr 21 17:19:44 EDT 2015

Hi all,

Im rigging up my scrubber with a mouthpiece for manual use.  I have one of
Emile's scrubbers so the fan is at the bottom pushing air up and I have a
hose at the top that directs scrubbed air into the tower.

All i'm going to do is attach a mouthpiece to the end of the hose.

With the fan off, should I be breathing in, sucking air through the
scrubber?  or blowing exhaled air into the scrubber?

Plus im thinking that if im breathing in, I should maybe have some sort of
particulate filter to stop dust?

How it is now without a mouthpiece.


Any suggestions?

Many thanks
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