hank pronk hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca
Sat Mar 29 22:16:49 EDT 2014

I  am on my third budget, 
On Saturday, March 29, 2014 8:02:24 PM, Alan James <alanlindsayjames at yahoo.com> wrote:
I wouldn't worry about radio contact Joe,
they don't even have it on 777s these days.

 From: Joe Perkel <josephperkel at yahoo.com>
To: Personal Submersibles General Discussion <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] radio's

You guys are scaring me.

I'm thinking to learn morse and tap on the hull!


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:13 PM, hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca> wrote:

>Why three?
>On , hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca> wrote:
>My guy said he had  to research the UQC to get schematic's and in doing so he claims they are 10k per unit.  Alan Whitfield from Silvercrest says UQC's are 3 to 5 K pre set.  So I don't know ?
>I will ask him how much to reproduce them for you.
>On Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:02:01 PM, Vance Bradley <VBra676539 at AOL.com> wrote:
>I think Nuytco gets $10k each for their digital UQCs, and that isn't bad on the current market. Makes the EDOs pretty reasonable, all things considered. If your repair guy is up for building a few like them you'd have an instant cottage industry selling them on psubs and eBay. Sign me up for three plus transducers.
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Mar 29, 2014, at 4:44 PM, hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>Very good points, I will have to put the sonar in the sub also then.  The head of the finance department (wife) is okay with abandoning my original budget, but that is pushing it :-)  
>>I will call them what they are UQC's  :-)
>>On Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:06:55 PM, "vbra676539 at aol.com" <vbra676539 at aol.com> wrote:
>>Hank, Scott, 
>>You might want to look at ultra shortbase tracking for the sub. Good systems can be had for $15K. And, as Scott discussed, sonar is also a function of exponential dollars. If you want to stay in the low thousands, then you settle for shorter range and less definition. After that, it's a step up to the big boys at $30K or better. A decent boat sonar can be used in conjunction with a good tracker and a dependable UQC to vector the sub in general toward targets, but to do both on both ends gets pretty expensive. Hank could well double his investment just in electronics, and Scott would be just about tripling his. Moving beyond line-of-sight in the water is expensive, no doubt. Very useful, but painful to the pocketbook. Hank's EDO comm units are UQCs, not radios. The Q is Navy-speak for acoustic, as in underwater acoustic communications. They don't work like radio, of course, in that the signal is converted to acoustic on the send/receive end. Which
 explains why radio antennas cost fifty bucks and transducers like Gamma's cost thousands upon thousands. 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: swaters <swaters at waters-ks.com>
>>To: Personal Submersibles General Discussion <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
>>Sent: Sat, Mar 29, 2014 3:48 pm
>>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] radio's
>>Just remember with these sonars the downward imaging gets less and less sharp the further down you go. After about 150' it really falls off and the image is super small. The sonar beam is a cone shape (I believe like 9 degrees on the downward imagine part). The only way I know of to get good side imaginig from a surface boat in water deeper than 150' is a tow behind and they start at $10,000. If it is on the sub, it is a cheap way to get good imaging. If you wanna get really awesome imaging, get a blue veiw. But they start at $30,000. 
>>Scott Waters 
>>Sent from my U.S. Cellular© Smartphone  
>>hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>Hi Scott, 
>>I will need help,lol,  I am actually thinking about keeping the sonar in the tender.  So my partner and I can search for a site and he can keep track of me in the sub as well as talk to me.  I have a real sweet 14 foot alum boat with 35hp it is all old but rock solid.  So I will start looking at the Hummingbird then.  I will need 500 foot range though. 
>>On Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:25:39 PM, swaters <swaters at waters-ks.com> wrote:
>>I would personally stay away from Lowrance. For them to do side scan imaging, you have to buy another modual and it is bulky. The humminbird is all slef contained. I honestly wanted the Lowrance at first cause I liked the sound of the name better, haha, kinda dumb reason, but when I started to research them, I decided on humminbird. I personally chose the 898c because of it's capabilities. I would of liked to go to the 1000 series, but the screen is just to big for the inside of my sub. I believe euronaut also has a humminbird 898c as well. If you decide to go that route, be sure you get the right subcon connector. You have to remember the GPS module has to be ran outside the sub as well and must be epoxy filled. I can help you through all that if you need. I made alot of mistakes connecting data wires that could be easily avoided. 
>>Scott Waters 
>>Sent from my U.S. Cellular© Smartphone  
>>hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>Thanks' for the info, but I am going ahead with repairing my radio's.  I am also looking at buying a sonar now.  It's all your fault,lol.  I gotta have one, what would be your first choice?  I am looking at a Lorance HDS-7  
>>On Friday, March 28, 2014 6:41:05 PM, Brian Cox <brian at ojaivalleybeefarm.com> wrote:
>>Seems like it would be nice to have one of those 70 watt units for the sub ! 
>>--- swaters at waters-ks.com wrote:
>>From: <swaters at waters-ks.com>
>>To: "Personal Submersibles General Discussion" <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
>>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] radio's
>>Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:50:53 -0700
>>There is currently a surface station and a aqua comm which is what I used in my sub for sale for $1500 for the two ($750 each). Most psubs members that have underwater comms have OTS so his would be compatible. Here is a link about the hummin bird 898 and it shows how to read the images you would see. I will post images after I test. it will be fun to see how they compare.  
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