[PSUBS-MAILIST] Nuytco visit

hank pronk hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca
Wed Feb 5 22:45:54 EST 2014

Thank you, that is fantastic, exactly what I need.  It is frightening spending so much time and money and letting it just sink away on a line.  I will give you a call tomorrow after supper your time.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 8:34:00 PM, Alan James <alanlindsayjames at yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm jealous of your visit to Nuytco, well done.
I have a few random ideas of what you could do for your back up system;
If you had solenoid valves on the air lines to your ballast tanks, then it  would
be very easy to do. But that might cost you a few hundred & may be a problem
adding in retrospectively. A cheaper alternative may be buying 2 electric car door openers

& fit them so they can open the ballast valves slightly. If they aren't gutsy enough you could buy a couple of cheap linear actuators.Then buy a cheap electronic 12V DC timer. Like this one.

& wire it up. Make sure it's moisture proofed. Alternatively I don't see why you couldn't use a mains power timer if you have one.
I take no responsibility if Gamma is lost.
Regards Alan

 From: hank pronk <hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca>
To: Personal Submersibles General Discussion <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> 
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2014 3:06 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Nuytco visit

While I wait for warmer weather to deep test my Gamma sub, I decided to drive out to Vancouver and visit Dr Nuytten  and see all the wonderful subs.  Dr Nuytten was kind enough to spend the better part of the morning showing me DW's and some mature subs as well.  I had a great time listening to fascinating stories and seeing how the big boys do things.  
Thank you Dr Nuytten.

I plan to haul my barge to Slocan lake where the water depth is 970 feet in a week or so.  I will lower Gamma with a steel cable and retrieve it 1hr later.  I would like a back up, some way for a timer to tell Gamma it is time to come home.  Any ideas would help, I have never tried putting a backup together.
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