Jon Wallace jonw at psubs.org
Tue Apr 15 14:58:57 EDT 2014


If you just need someone to manage the commercial diving business, I'm 
available.  Just need a six figure salary, full benefits, and 10 year 
contract.  :)


On 4/15/2014 2:20 PM, swaters at waters-ks.com wrote:
> Good points Jon.
>  I will be asking a lot of questions to explore how to go about this 
> project. I guess when I say I am not a good engineer, I am referring 
> to the physics and metallurgy aspect that Sean has been helping me out 
> with. As far as designing part I am pretty good at that. And when it 
> comes to fabrication, I am a good welder and decent machinist, but for 
> they things I can't do or are uncomfortable doing, I contract them out.
> I understand the scare of going not for profit. Perhaps a business may 
> be the way to go. I am really good at that as it is. The part I don't 
> know is what I would consider the "sales" side of commercial work. 
> Meaning how do you go about getting jobs and bid on projects. The 
> other slight problem is in a vessel like that, I wouldn't be able to 
> ditch my existing business to devote 100% of my time to a commercial 
> submarine, so I would need someone to manage the business.
> Good thing is, I spend a lot of time researching and asking questions 
> before I pull the trigger on a project.
> Thanks,
> Scott Waters

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